
Get involved

Want to play a more active role in your Constructing Excellence Club? There are many ways you can get more involved:

  • Suggesting a speaker or a topic for a Club event;
  • Hosting a Club project or site visit;
  • Offering to speak at a Club event;
  • Coming early to Club events and helping out;
  • Joining the Club Committee;
  • Taking part in our Social Media discussions and conversations.

If you have any suggestions, comments or feedback – tell us!  You can contact us through email below:


Social Media (X/T + IG)

Paul Greenwood

Greenwood Consultants


Paul Brampton


Event Programme & Education

Rob Garvey

University of East London

Club Constitution & Annual General Meetings

 Year  Notice of AGM

 Report to Members
















Constructing Excellence business clubs are groups of forward-thinking, innovative people who want to share knowledge and ultimately improve their business bottom line.

Contact your local club to get involved.

Click on the map to link to the South East Centre for the Built Environment (SECBE) that maintains a directory of local Constructing Excellence Clubs.

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