Procurement Reforms:
Can We Get Better Outcomes for the Built Environment?
Tuesday 10th October 2023, 6pm for 6.30 start.
AluK Design Studio, 5-11 Worship Street, London, EC2A 2BH
The Procurement Act Bill is due to receive Royal Assent imminently. The proposed ‘go live’ date is October 2024.
This presentation from leading legal expert, Rebecca Rees will focus on key sections of the legislation. Join us with Rebecca to explore how additional flexibility and a policy-led focus of the new rules can be used by clients. Learn how the changes should help to ensure safe and quality outcomes. Discover how the new rules will impact your work.
Speaker: Rebecca Rees

Partner & Head of Public Procurement, Trowers & Hamlins.
Rebecca is a partner and Head of Public Procurement at the international law firm, Trowers & Hamlins.
With particular interests in value-led procurement, social value and building safety, Rebecca is a member of the CIC Working Group 11 for Procurement Competency, DLUHC's Procurement Advisory Group, and HACT's National Social Value in Housing Taskforce, which focuses on the further development of robust measurement and management of social value outcomes in the public sector.
Rebecca is also a Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Construction Law at Dickson Poon School of Law at Kings College London and is currently undertaking a PhD in public procurement, focusing on price evaluation models at the University of Nottingham.
Catch Rebecca’s latest blast on procurement reform here.
Please tweet about the event using: #lcecPROC @BecsRees @Trowers
@LondonCEClub | W: http://www.londonconstructingexcellence.org.uk |
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