Happy by Design
12th July 2022, 6pm for 6.30pm start
AluK Design Studio, 5-11 Worship Street, London, EC2A 2BH.

We are delighted that Ben Channon will be talking at our monthly event in July. Ben is an architect, author, TEDx speaker and mental wellbeing advocate, and is well known in the industry as a thought leader in designing for happiness and wellbeing. Ben will focus on mental well-being, dealing with the pressures of working in construction and how our built environment can influence our happiness.
Follow on Twitter:@MindfulArchi
Please book early to avoid disappointment and make your booking as either a Member or a Non-Member Click here to go to the Events Booking Page.
Please book early to avoid disappointment and make your booking as either a Member or a Non-Member
Click here to go to the Events Booking Page.
@LondonCEClub | W: http://www.londonconstructingexcellence.org.uk |
LCEC members and non members welcome
London Constructing Excellence Club…
The London Constructing Excellence Club (LCEC) is a membership organisation running events for the benefit of the members. Corporate members of Constructing Excellence (CE) may nominate any CE Club (including the LCEC) as their club. In return, CE will pay £100 towards their club membership fee. For further details please refer to CE's membership information. LCEC encourages members of CE (particularly London based members) to nominate LCEC. LCEC can only grant free admittance to LCEC events to those members of CE who have formally notified the LCEC treasurer (treasurer@londonconstructingexcellence.org.uk ) that LCEC is their nominated club. We hope that you will take up this excellent offer and look forward to seeing you at future events. Non-members may attend LCEC events by booking a Non-member ticket on our Events Page or by paying on the door (£25).