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We are not collaborating enough because
our contracts are too confrontational
Mark Castle
Mace, Chief Operating Officer
Also including the LCEC AGM 2020 and an update from Alison Nicholl, Head of national Constructing Excellence
Tuesday 14 January 2020, 6pm for 6.30pm start,
Venue: Blake Morgan, 6 New Street Square, London EC4A 3DJ
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Is our business model broken?
It is hardly radical to suggest that there are serious issues in the construction sector. Low margins, poor performance and financial issues plague the industry. The collapse of Carillion and the Grenfell fire laid clear the scale of these problems. Is the fundamental business model of UK contracting broken?
Mark Castle, Mace’s Chief Operating Officer, explores the structural issues plaguing our industry and how they drive behaviour across clients, contractors and the supply chain. What needs to change in order to create a sustainable construction market in the UK? How can we ensure that clients and contractors can work collaboratively? Are our contracts holding us back?
Mark Castle is Chief Operating Officer of Mace and joined the company’s Group Board in January 2013. Mark originally joined Mace in 2004, tasked with creating and leading a fixed price contracting business focusing on major projects. Mace’s construction turnover in 2018 grew to £2 billion. His role also encompasses strategic leadership on major construction projects, such as Emirates Air Line cable car, Tate Modern extension, Tottenham Hotspurs’ new stadium and Chelsea Barracks.
Prior to joining Mace, Mark was Managing Director for Structure Tone Inc, a construction group based in the USA and before that he was an Executive Director at Wates. Mark was Chairman of Build UK until Sept 2019 and he is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
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